Friday, December 18, 2009

A Letter - December 13

Dear Traci and Rick,

How are you doing? I hope enjoying the holiday season. Thank you so much for the books you sent me last week. What a nice Christmas present. I'm really liking those two authors. It was such a nice surprise.

Did I tell you that I was moved to Trusty Quarters located just outside the unit? There are 60 of us in a giant warehouse type building--we each have our own cubicle with a writing table. All of us are Trustys. As you can probably tell I like it so much better. No bars!

This is my last week of class before we will break until January 5. I guess I will work mornings as well as afternoons. We'll be off the 24th and 25th and possibly 1/2 day on the 23rd. I'll be ready to get back to my routine though, but thankfully I'll have books to read. We're supposed to have "lock down" (rumor had it for today but it didn't happen). There was a guy who escaped and was later caught and they (Senator Whitmire) asked for a statewide lockdown. That usually means a week of nothing to do but read--so I'll be ready.

I made Mexican rice over the weekend with sausage fajitas with a guy who is here from Alamo. I got a bag of the instant rice, used a couple squirts of ketchup, added a chopped jalapeno and some salsa then added boiling water and voila--it looked good and tasted better. That combined with the sliced sausage fajitas in bbq sauce made us a nice meal.

Merry Christmas--write when you have time!


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