Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Visit With Tom


Rita Tyler-Aguilar and I drove to Beeville Saturday morning for a two-hour visit with Tom. We were pleased to be allowed to have a "contact" visit--for me (Traci) it was a first. I was accustomed to the glass/telephone type visit. How nice it was to be able to hug Tom.

The "campus" at Beeville seemed a lot more laid back and casual. Perhaps that has something to do with visiting at a trusty facility rather than the traditional model. We chatted, served Diet Cokes and junk food and enjoyed each others' company for a very short two hours. We were all surprised when the attendant told us that our time was up.

Tom is buoyant over his upcoming parole and is excited to plan for all the things he will be doing in September. The first item on the agenda is a stop in Robstown for some Joe Cotten's Barbeque followed by the main event at King's Inn. He plans to eat his way back to the Valley! Since we are who we are, we spent a lot of timing talking about what we'll be cooking and eating--Tom has been clipping recipes from his magazines for a while now and will be looking to prepare each of them in short order.

There is still time to visit in Beeville. It's a good experience, and I recommend it.

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